iPhone 4/4s Parts Lot (Flex Cables, Cameras, Back Covers, Vibrate Motor & More)
iPhone 4/4s Parts Lot (Flex Cables, Cameras, Back Covers, Vibrate Motor & More)
iPhone 4/4s Parts Lot
Ear speaker mesh/grill 30
Power button dome replacement 4/4s 33
iPhone 4 GSM Power/Proximity flex cable: 5
iPhone 4 CDMA Front Camera Flex cable: 4
iPhone 4 GSM Front Camera Flex cable: 4
iPhone 4 CDMA Rear Camera: 8
iPhone 4 GSM Audio Flex cable: 13
iPhone 4 CDMA Audio Flex cable: 6
iPhone 4 GSM Vibrate motor: 1
iPhone 4 CDMA Vibrate motor: 5
iPhone 4 CDMA Loudspeaker: 3
iPhone 4 GSM Charging port flex cable: 2
iPhone 4s Rear Camera: 1
iPhone 4s Front Camera: 1
iPhone 4s ear speaker: 7
iPhone 4s Power/Proximity Flex Cable: 2
iPhone 4s Loudspeaker: 1
iPhone 4s Cell Antenna: 6
iPhone 4s Audio Flex Cable: 18
Battery cover/Glass Back with bracket: 13 White iPhone 4 GSM, 1 Yellow iPhone 4s
If you have any questions before or after purchase, please contact us directly and we will promptly respond.